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Home | Archives & Cast | Shop | Contact Kel | The Story So Far


Appearances to the contrary Pepperpot Piper is actually still the star of this comic strip.
She stepped out of the frame on page 87, and though the intervening twenty pages only cover about five minutes in her world out here spacetime ground on and plopped almost a year in our laps.

Probably not the most genius of moves on my part, having my lead go AWOL for ten months, but there it is.

Here’s the thing though, if you cock your ear to the misty Frisco wind you just might hear the faint drumming of a certain pair of Spanish heeled cha-cha pumps coming closer, ever closer… two weeks ago I got to paint her again, you'll find the results below.

As they say in the world of customer service, thank you for your patience:

Pepperpot Piper is written & illustrated by Joseph Kelly
All content copyright © Joseph Kelly
All rights reserved